Randolph-Lucas House
What stirs me up about this historic jewel, is that it is part of a conversation to be demolished. It was already moved once, 40 feet to the left, to accommodate the entrance of the more recently built yellow stucco condo tower that now stands behind it. The Randolph-Lucas House has since be left to sit and weather with age, and its next stage of life is currently unknown. The condo association at 2500 Peachtree that officially owns the home, filed for a permit to have it destroyed due to condition, but the Buckhead Heritage Society is proposing to secure a new owner who will restore the home to its original grandeur and move it to a more permanent location. Costs to transport the home are estimated at around $350,000.
I've never been one to have a vanity licence plate, but when it was time for my car tag renewal, I knew that I wanted to support the Georgia's Historic Preservation Division by purchasing their licence plate (pictured above), for an annual fee of $35, from which $22 will go towards preservation projects...... I love that "Preserve Georgia" is proudly stated.